Sunday 14 November 2010

About the relationship of science philosophy of science and philosophy

Knowledge comes from the Arabic, 'Alama. The basic meaning of this word is knowledge. The use of the word science in Indonesian proposition is often equated with the word science in English. The word science itself is not the original English language, but the absorption from the Latin, Scio, scire which essentially meaning knowledge. Some say that science comes from the word scientia which means knowledge. Derived from the Latin scientia which means mengetahui.1 Scire Despite the various differences in origin of the word, but if true sciences are juxtaposed with the word science in English, then understanding is knowledge. Knowledge used in the Indonesian language, the word is essentially "know" .2 In general sense of the word "know"
This indicates the existence of a knowledge based on experience and specific understanding of which is owned by seseorang.3

The same opinion expressed M. Quraish Shihab. He argues that knowledge comes from the Arabic, ilm. The basic meaning of this word is clarity. Therefore, any form of words drawn from the word 'ilm like the word' alm (flag), 'ulmat (cleft lip),' nature (the mountains) the funds' addresses contain the object of knowledge. Science can thus be interpreted as a clear knowledge about sesuatu.4

Athur Thomson defines science as a depiction of the facts, the experience is complete and consistent even in the embodiment term very simple.5 S. Hornby defines science as: Science is organized knowledge obtained by observation and testing of fact (science is a composition or a collection of knowledge gained through research and experimentation from the fact-fakta.6 Indonesian dictionary, translate science as knowledge about a field composed by applying according to certain methods that can be used to describe certain symptoms as well. You also explain that science can be defined as knowledge or skill in worldly matter, the afterlife, was born and inner.
Poincare says that science contains the rules in the definition of the hidden meanings (science consist entirely of convertions in the sence of disguised definitions.) The definition and content of science who first offered this Poincare, must also be recognized to obtain rejection of various experts. There is even a presumption that states that Poincare thought this was a big mistake. Le Ray seems to be the antithesis of thought Poincare. Le Ray for example, states that "Science consist only of consecrations and it is solely to this circumstance That Is owes its certainly apparent." Le Ray also stated that science can not teach us the truth, it's cans serve us only as a rule of action (science does not teach the truth, he only presents a number of rules in berbuat.7 From some of the above definition of science, then, contains science content about; hypotheses, theories, arguments and legal.
The explanation above also implies that the essence of science is a systematic coherence. That is, science is slightly different with knowledge. Science does not require certainty of the pieces of knowledge based on a decision of its own, science would indicate the presence of an overall idea of referring to an object or object of the same nature are logically interrelated.
Every science originated in the unity of its object. Science does not require complete certainty with respect to each person's reasoning. Science will contain its own hypotheses and theories are not yet fully established. Therefore, science requires a methodology, causes and logical connection. Science requires observation and methodical frame of mind as well as neat. Methodological tools that are important in the context of science is the scientific terminology.
2.Pengertian PhilosophyPhilosophy comes from the Greek, philosophia and philoshophos. According to the form of the word, philosophia taken from words that mean and shopia or that mean and Sophos. Means that mean love and shopia or shopos means wisdom, knowledge, and wisdom. In this sense a person has been doing philosophy can be called when all his words and behavior as having meaning and characteristics of people who love to wisdom, to knowledge and to hikmah.8At first, says Sofia is more often defined as the skills and proficiency in a job, such as trade and shipping. In subsequent developments, the meaning of the word is more specialized skills for proficiency in the field again sya'ir and music. This meaning is then developed again to the kind of knowledge that can lead people to know the pure truth. Sofia within the meaning of the latter, then formulated by Pythagoras that only the Essence of the Most High (God) is able to do so. Therefore, human beings can only arrive at the nature of "the creator of wisdom". Pythagoras says: "quite a person to be noble when he wants wisdom and strive to achieve it." 9Aaron Hadiwijono opinion that is taken from Greek philosophy, filosofia. The structure he says comes from the word filosofien which means love of wisdom. In the sense that, according to Hadiwijono philosophy implies a number of ideas full of wisdom. That is, a person can be called philosophizing when he was actively acquire wisdom. The word philosophy in this sense is more gain wisdom. The word philosophy in this sense is more meaningful as a "Call to the discretion" .10Harun Nasution assume that the word philosophy is not derived from the structure and shopia words that mean, that mean and shophos or filosofen. But the word comes from Greek philosophy that the structure he says comes from the word philien within the meaning of love and shofos in the sense of wisdom. The Arabs by Aaron move philosophia word into their language, by adjusting the composition of corrupt nature of Arabic words, that philosophy with the pattern (pan) fa'lala, fa'lalah, and fi'la. Based on the pan, then mention of the word philosophy in the form of the noun should be called philosophy or Filsaf.11Aaron went on to state that the word philosophy that is widely used by Indonesian people, is not purely derived from the Arabic word the same as not pure samples drawn from the language of Western philosophy, philosophy. Aaron it makes the compromises that philosophy drawn from two languages, namely Phil is taken from English and Arabic Safah. So the word philosophy, is the union between English and Arabic. Philosophize means to think according to rules (logic) for free (not bound by tradition, dogma and religion) and with deep so down to the basics of the problem. On that basis, then according to Aaron, the etymology of philosophy can be defined as:1.Pengetahuan of wisdom2.Pengetahuan about basic principles or3.mencari truth4.Membahas basis of what was discussedAli Mudhafir argue that the word philosophy in the Indonesian language has the equivalent word philosophy (Arabic), Phyloshophy (UK), Philosophie (Germany, Netherlands and France). All that said, comes from the Greek Philosphia. The word philosophia itself consists of two syllables, namely Philien, that mean and shopia. Philien means love, that mean mean mean wise friend and Sophos, shopia means wisdom. Thus, according to Ali Mudhafir there are two meanings of the etymology of the word a slightly different philosophy. First, if the term refers to the origin of the word philosophy philien and shopos, it means to love the things that are wise (he became a character.) Second, if the philosophy refers to the origin of the word that mean and shopia, it means the friend of wisdom (philosophy into a noun) 12
3.Hubungan Between Science and PhilosophyVarious notions of philosophy and science, as already described above, then the next will be reflected as well. The pattern of relationships (relationship) between science and philosophy. The pattern of these relationships can take the form of equality between science and philosophy, can also differences between the two.At the time of Plato, even until the time of al-Kindi, the boundary between philosophy and science may be called does not exist. A philosopher must be in charge of all science. But the development of human thinking which developed a philosophy on the level of praxis, resulting in science compared with stepping stepping philosophy. Although born from the philosophy of science, but in the following development, the development of science supported by sophisticated technology, has defeated the development of philosophy. Philosophical study area even though more cramped than the early days of development, compared with the study of science. Therefore, it is not wrong if it then appears in a opinion that for the time being, the philosophy is no longer needed even less relevant in developed ole man. Because people today are concerned with science than with the practical nature of philosophy that is sometimes difficult "earthed". But the problem is it true that?Science has become a group that organized and structured knowledge systematically. The task of science become more widespread, ie, how he studied social phenomena through observation and eksperimen.13 desires to do his own observations and experiments, can be driven by the desire to prove results which tend Speculative philosophical thinking into a practical science. Thus, science can be interpreted as a whole advanced system of human knowledge that has been generated by the work of philosophy and then systematically recorded in the form of science that science is limited only terteoritisasi.14 Truth in all experiences and all the thinking, while philosophy koprehensif requires knowledge, namely ; a broad, general and universal (complete) and it can not be obtained in the sciences.Then if so, where is the philosophy should be placed? According Am. Saefudin, philosophy can be placed on the maximum position of human thought that is not possible on some level reached by science. Deny the presence of philosophy, is tantamount to denial of the reality of the real needs of human life which have properties to continue maju.15Science can be distinguished by a philosophy. Science is pasteriori. The conclusion drawn after performing the tests repeatedly. For certain cases, even demand for holding science experiments and deepening to get the essence. While the philosophy is priori, ie, the conclusions drawn without testing. For philosophy does not require any data owned emfiris like science. Because philosophy is speculative and contemplative that it too by science. Philosophical truth can not be proven by philosophy itself, but can only be proven by scientific theories through observation and experimentation or obtain kewahyuan justification. Thus, not every philosopher can be called a science, just as not all the scientists called a philosopher. Still thinking activity. But the activity and scientists are the same, ie, using activity thinking philosophers. Based on that way of thinking, then the work can proceed by way of philosophical thinking work of scientists. Philosophical work can even be an opening for the birth of science. However, it should also be recognized that the ultimate goal of the scientist in charge of seeking knowledge, as the result of Spencer's analysis, can proceed by way of philosophical thinking.In addition to a number of differences before, between science and philosophy and way of working scientists and philosophical, does contain a number of equations, which are both seeking the truth. Science has described the task, while the duty to interpret the totality of philosophy. Science activities are driven by the question how to answer the portrayal of facts. While the philosophical answer to the question how exactly the continuation of that fact, from where originally and where it will eventually.Various picture above shows that the philosophy on the one hand can be an opening for the birth of science, but on the other hand it also can function as a way of working the late scientist. "Arrogant", a philosophy that is often referred to as a master of science (mother of science) can be an opening and at once the ultimate scientific knowledge that can not be solved by science.Why is that? Because philosophy can stimulate the desire of the birth of a number of philosophical findings through various observations and experiments that gave birth to various branch of science. Reality also shows that almost no one branch of science apart from philosophy or serendahnya not associated with problems of philosophy. Even for the sake of development of science itself, the birth of a discipline of philosophy to study science, the so-called philosophy of knowledge, which then evolved again who delivered one of the branches are referred to as the philosophy of science.
Thus the authors can conclude that between science and philosophy there are similarities and differences.The difference Posterior science conclusions are drawn after performing the tests repeatedly while philosophy priori conclusions are drawn without testing, because philosophy does not require any empirical data like those of science, because philosophy is speculative.In addition to the difference between the philosophy of science there are a number of similarities they both seek the truth. Science has described the duties assigned to interpret the totality of philosophy of science activity driven by the question how to answer the delineation of fact, whereas philosophy continued to answer the question how the real facts from which it was originally and where it will eventually


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